ConstructDiversity is a group of like-minded companies and individuals committed to bringing a higher level of racial and gender diversity to construction and related businesses.
Our goal is to offer Black high school youth visibility to career paths that are available to them and to make it known that they are welcome, wanted and needed regardless of color or gender.
We aim to build connection, access and opportunity to Black youth and provide equitable access to career opportunities.
We believe inclusion is where diversity begins.
Mission Statement
ConstructDiversity is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2020 by Seattle based companies with the intent to promote racial and gender diversity within construction and related businesses in the Greater Puget Sound Region of Western Washington.
Our Goals
1. Develop & build relationships established on trust through mentorship and executive leadership training.
2. Establish connections with youth through understanding diversity and community partnerships.
3. To provide access and opportunity through mentorship and internship within the partner companies.
Construction and its related businesses have historically been predominately managed, run and owned by white males and we recognize the need to open the opportunities that exist within our businesses to people of a color other than white and to promote gender diversity at the same time.
Our belief is that if we can show Black youth that they are welcome, wanted and needed in the construction industry and business environment, we can build equitable access and inclusion.
We agree that inclusion is the foundation of diversity. Activism is necessary however connection, access and opportunity facilitate lasting change.
What is Construct Diversity?

Our mentorship program runs September – May
Our internship program runs July-August
Currently we partner with juniors and seniors in high school. Our current program is focused on supporting and empowering the Black community. In the future the program may expand to support other underrepresented minority communities.
During our mentorship program we provide monthly curriculum taught by participating executives, as well as one-on-one mentor meetings between executives and students.
At the end of the mentorship program, we provide an investment incentive along with a financial literacy course. We also provide scholarships for seniors who are college/trade school bound.
During our internship program students are hired by one of our participating companies for a summer paid internship.
We evaluate success using the following data:
• Survey
• Weekly Reflections
• Focus Groups
• Testimonials
• Monthly Meetings
• Exit Interview
2020 - 2021 Impact:
12 students completed the program
• 3 of 6 high school seniors received a college scholarship
• 3 of 6 high school seniors received a trade school stipend
• All our students received a financial investment incentive (after completing a financial literacy seminar)
• All of our students (who desired) received a paid summer internship
• One of our students has begun full-time employment with one of our partner companies
We are in partnership with X Factor Consulting which is a group of African American Entrepreneurs and businessmen headed by Jeremiah Captain and Rodell Razor who will vet and nominate the students that participate in the program. They will handle the application process along with matching each student with a mentor within the African American/Inner City community who will check in weekly with the participants and provide guidance and two-way feedback to help keep all of us on track.